The Incredible Transformation Of Isla Madden

Isla Madden has been training with us at Ignite for about 4 or 5 years now and as you can see by the image, she has made an absolutely extraordinary transformation with her weight and body composition

This transformation is something which I and the team take absolutely…


Isla has done this, all by herself!

When Isla sent me her photos of comparison, the changes are something which she has achieved in the last 12 months


It is a transformation or change which I would like to say had be brewing since her decision to start training with us

I believe (and so does Isla) that over time it has been a layering effect of habits

Although her most noticeable changes have come in the last 12 months

It’s been a combination of hard work, mindset and habits over the last 5 years

So this is what I want to say to you as a reader

If you are someone who is trying to lose weight

Or someone who is aiming towards quite significant health or training goals

Then I hope you can be uplifted by Isla’s success

Yet also reminded of the fact that these processes take time

I asked Isla to write a small section for all of us to see what she did to achieve her goals

So here is what she had to say:

“Approximately a year ago after seeing pictures of myself on social media I decided I wanted to adopt healthier habits. I have always been active and kept up with training, so I needed to focus on my nutrition.

I set myself goals that were realistic and achievable, then gradually developed them.

I never completely restricted myself from everything “unhealthy”, instead I compromised and worked out a healthy balance.

This definitely made it easier to maintain the habits rather then giving up entirely.

Seeing changes and progress like this has helped motivate me to continue working and improving both my training and nutrition goals.”

Isla, as you know you’ve just done an amazing job

Not just in the last 12 months

However, ever since you’ve joined us at Ignite

Keep up the incredible work and we look forward to seeing you smash through more of your goals

P.T. Scott and the crew


Scott Jenkins