A Few Important Things To Consider, To IMPROVE Your Training Regime

This weeks blog is a bit of a mix

It may appeal to you whether you are:

  1. NOT currently training

  2. Currently engaged in a fitness regime (whether it be with us or not)

I’ll start off by saying this…

If you aren’t currently training and you want to get into it, then here is something to consider

Try being content with setting yourself initially, an upper limit on your attendance

What does this mean?

Well… I say this from a habit point of view. You may need to put in place a self imposed parameter whereby you say to yourself e.g. “I will train no more than once a week for a maximum of say 45-60 minutes”

So will a 45-60 minute session per week get you a result?

Probably not

The thing is, you actually need to be less focused on the result and more focused on creating the habit


I think many of us put tremendous amounts of pressure on ourselves by imposing unrealistic targets to train 5 plus days a week for at least an hour a day

Which would be rreat! (In some respects)

However, it tends to set us up for failure

You miss a couple of sessions in a row, then all of sudden you feel like you’ve failed

And those feelings can snowball into a behaviour which often gets in the way of our attendance

Then from there, it’s easy to have the wheels totally fall off the wagon, thus almost going back to square one 

Or in other words...

You’re just not hitting that 5 day a week target, so you give up

What many of us should think about is habit before result

And for a habit to form, we must allow repetition to happen

Repetition of course takes consistency

I’m not saying you can’t train 5 x days a week

The thing is, you’re being a bit nicer to yourself and being a bit more realistic with creating an upper limit which is initially, 

Quite achievable

But you have to decide for yourself as to what you think is a realistic upper limit

When you get used to your upper limit, then you can start adding from there

The hope is your 1 session a week (or whatever initial limit you choose) becomes easy and almost automatic

Thus, you can start adding more sessions from there

From a habit point of view, this is layering

So remember what I said at the start of this email, in terms of who this may appeal to?

Well, it’s not only for those of you currently NOT training

It could be one of you struggling a little to stick to a regime

Consider going a bit easier on yourself

It’s better to show up maybe once or twice a week, even for a shorter session

And building slowly from there

In short, consider starting smaller

Cos I guarantee that singular or shortened session/s per week

Is a MILLION times more beneficial, than not showing all up at all

Keep moving team!

P.T. Scott

Scott Jenkins