Better Boxing, Better Results

In boxing, there are three main points to focus on...

Stance, guard, and balance


Sadly, many trainers don’t focus on them as much as they should

Though all three deserve the same amount of attention


The goal is to have the best technique and form you can have

This way you can work out as efficiently as possible, burning more calories

And also greatly reducing your chances of injuries


I’m going to tell you the importance of each of these key points…

Along with some good tips to perfect your form

Please also take into account, there is also a bit of a focus on the actual application of boxing too (so not just hitting pads)

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  • Stance: This is the base of your boxing technique

Without a good stance, you’ll lose power

Not to mention stability, balance and it will affect your ability to defend yourself

Pretty much everything you need to be a good boxer, right?


A bad stance not only has an adverse effect on the power of your punches

It also hinders technique, which can lead to injuries

It’s worth considering having your weakest side almost face your opponent (or your pad holder)

Keeping your dominant hand away from them 


Your chin should always be down and protecting your face

Keep your knees slightly bent, but always relaxed

Shift your weight from one foot to another when moving around

Grounding yourself when you’re throwing your shots

  • Guard: You can be the strongest person at your gym, with the best strikes...

But that means nothing if you don’t focus on your guard


Guard is essential for bracing yourself for the impacts you’ll inevitably receive

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So you can recover properly and counter-punch quicker than ever


There are many different types of guards to choose from, such as…

Peek-a-boo, where your fists rest on your cheekbones

Perfect defense for your head,


Basic guard has your fists mostly at your chest

Which makes it hard to defend your face, but allows for some rapid hits


Philly shell keeps one fist close to your chest, while the other is low at your hips

This leaves you greatly exposed, but is great for counter-punching



We choose to focus having hands around our cheekbone region. This seems to deliver the best strikes in our classes

  • Balance: By keeping your balance, your strikes will be cleaner and more powerful

And you’ll have a better defense for the strikes coming your way


Balance is all about keeping your upper and lower body aligned

This is easier to do by knowing where your center of gravity is

It is normally between your hips...

Which means your shoulders should always be aligned with them

This allows your body to prepare for impact and deliver better punches

If you feel you need to move backwards or forwards, do it with your legs


It’s also a great idea to ground your feet (not too heavy mind you!)

Keep your hips and knees relaxed


All of this will keep your movements grounded and controlled

Maximizing the efficiency of your workout

These tips won’t just make you a better boxer…

But they’ll also make sure you’re getting the most out of your training

It’s also an attempt to decrease the likelihood of injury during your workouts


You’ll burn more calories by following all of these guidelines

And notice great improvements when hitting the pads


If you need help figuring out the right stance

Need more tips on guard

Or you just want some help either getting into or improving your Boxing skills...


Then send us a message on our Facebook page

And we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible!

P.T. Scott

Scott Jenkins